Omni Interlocken Hotel
500 Interlocken Boulevard
Broomfield, Colorado 80021

Omni Interlocken Hotel Directions & Parking

Driving Directions

From Denver International Airport – 30 minutes/28 miles

Exit the airport via Pena Boulevard. Take Pena Boulevard to Exit #6B to Fort Collins/E-470 Tollway. E-470 eventually becomes the Northwest Parkway. You will travel 32 miles along E-470 Tollway. Northwest Parkway ends and becomes Interlocken Loop, which will cross over US 36. Follow this to the next light and turn left onto Interlocken Boulevard. The hotel is located up the hill on the left-hand side, approximately 2 city blocks.

From Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport – 1 mile

Exit the airport by Airport Way. Airport Way terminates at CO 128. Cross over CO 128 onto Interlocken Boulevard for 1 mile. The hotel is on the right-hand side.

From the North

Take I-25 South; exit on 104th Avenue and turn right. Proceed on 104th until you get to US 36 West and go toward Boulder. Exit on Interlocken Loop/Storagetek Drive and turn left. Proceed 1 block to Interlocken Boulevard and turn left. The hotel is located up the hill on the left side.

From the South

Take I-25 North to US 36 West. Exit Interlocken Loop/Storagetek Drive and turn left. Proceed 1 block to Interlocken Boulevard and turn left. The hotel is located up the hill on the left side.

From the East

Take I-70 West to I-25 North to US 36 West. Exit Interlocken Loop/Storagetek Drive and turn left. Proceed to Interlocken Boulevard and turn left. The hotel is located up the hill on the left side.

From the West

Take I-70 East to I-25 North to US 36 West. Exit on Interlocken Loop/Storagetek Drive and turn left. Proceed 1 block to Interlocken Boulevard and turn left. The hotel is located up the hill on the left side.

From Boulder

Take US 36 East, exit Interlocken Loop/Storagetek Drive and make a right onto Interlocken Loop/Storagetek Drive, then make a left onto Interlocken Boulevard. The hotel is located up the hill on the left side.

From Downtown Denver

Take I-25 North to US 36 West, exit at Interlocken Loop/Storagetek Drive and make a left. Proceed one 1 to Interlocken Boulevard and turn left. The hotel is located up the hill on the left side


  • Complimentary self-parking available
  • 605 parking spaces


  • Car rentals available through front desk
  • Courtesy van for guest transportation to the golf club and to businesses within the Interlocken Business Park and Flatiron Crossing Shopping Center

Options from Denver International Airport

  • Taxi Service: Approximately $70 one way
  • Shuttle Service: Green Ride Boulder Shuttle. Prices are $34 each way per person. The shuttle operates 4:35 AM – 12:35 AM Reservations are required.

Options from Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport

  • Complimentary Shuttle: Available 6:45 AM – 11:00 PM based on availability

Guest Favorites at Omni Interlocken Hotel

Couple driving

AAA Rates

Enjoy up to 20% off when you stay at Omni Interlocken Hotel.

Meritage Restaurant

Meritage Restaurant

Savor exquisitely prepared local fare and half price wine every Wednesday.