The Omni Homestead Resort & Spa
7696 Sam Snead Highway
Hot Springs, Virginia 24445

Participant Requirements

Information about requirements to take the Ridge Runner Zip Tour
Zip Line Tour

Reservations are required, please call (540) 839-7741 to book.

Red Tail Racer Participant Requirements
  • Closed-toe shoes are required – no exceptions!
  • Every participant must sign a release form. Guests under the age of 18 must have a signed waiver from their parent or legal guardian.
  • The Red Tail Racer is designed for participants of average mobility and strength and in reasonably good health.
  • Participants must weigh between 80 and 250 pounds. The weight limit is for your safety and the safety of the guides and other participants.
  • All participants must be at least 4'6" tall (54", 138cm).
  • Participants must be at least 8 years old and fit safely in the harness equipment.
  • Children between the ages of 8 and 17 must have an adult present during their zip.
  • Pregnant women, people with heart, leg, or back problems, or other serious illnesses will not be allowed to participate in the Red Tail Racer.
  • No one under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or impairing legal drugs will be permitted to participate in the tour.
The Ridge Runner Zip Line Canopy Tour Participant Questions
  • Closed-toe shoes are required – no exceptions!
  • Every participant must sign a release form. Guests under the age of 18 must have a signed waiver from their parent or legal guardian.
  • The Ridge Runner Zip Line Canopy Tour is designed for participants of average mobility and strength and in reasonably good health.
  • There are a number of short hikes along an unpaved path. Participants must be comfortable walking on uneven ground and down a moderate incline.
  • Participants in the Ridge Runner Zip Line Canopy Tour must weigh between 90 and 250 pounds. The weight limit is for your safety and the safety of the guides and other participants.
  • Participants must be at least 12 years old to participate in the Ridge Runner Zip Line Canopy Tour.
  • Pregnant women, people with heart, leg or back problems or other serious illnesses will not be allowed to participate in the tour.
  • No one under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs or impairing legal drugs will be allowed to participate in the tour.

Note: The Omni Homestead Resort & Spa reserves the right to refuse anyone access to the Ridge Runner Zip Line Canopy Tour due to medical issues, safety concerns, equipment specifications based on size and height, or any other reason deemed appropriate by the guide. 

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at The Omni Homestead Resort & Spa

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Afternoon Adventure Package

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