Omni Puerto Aventuras Beach Resort
Carretera Chetumal - Puerto Juarez, KM-269.5
Puerto Aventuras, Quintana Roo 77750

Directions & Parking

Coming to see us? Here’s how to get to and from Omni Puerto Aventuras Beach Resort.

Driving Directions

From Cancun International Airport – 40 Miles

From the airport exit, take Highway 307 to the right. Take Tulum Chetumal Highway for 45 miles into Puerto Aventuras. Follow the signs posted on the left into the Resort.

Directions From The North – Via Highway 307

Follow Highway 307 South past the towns of Playa del Carmen and Xcaret. The entrance to Puerto Aventuras will be on the left. Follow the signs to the Omni.

Directions From The South – Via Highway 307

Follow Highway 307 north past the town of Akumal. The entrance to Puerto Aventuras will be on the right. Follow the signs to the Omni.


On-site self-parking is complimentary and includes in/out privileges


Executive Car Rentals - Approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes from the hotel, located at the main gate of Puerto Aventuras

Caracol Travel

Guest must contact Caracol Travel directly by mail, phone or website and provide airline flight number, departure city and arrival time.

Email: [email protected] and [email protected]
Phone: 011-52-998-8810681

  • Round trip - $140 USD (1-8 people)
  • One-way - $80 USD (1-8 people)

Guest Favorites

at Omni Puerto Aventuras Beach Resort